We all know the difference between someone who puts their heart and soul into something they do and someone who just lends their head and shoulders.

So my questions are

  • What makes the difference?
  • Why are some people different?
  • Why do some people work well in a team and others don’t ?
  • What is like to be a customer dealing with the head and shoulders brigade?

Working in the field of motivation I have been asked how to motivate the staff, and they usually think by applying quick fixes and tips for example ; prizes, rewards, social events etc is the answer to their prayers.

However this is only sorting out the top level issue and not getting to the roots of why they are not motivated.

For example if you have a child that doesn’t eat, you bribe them with a toy or something they would like, but the issue doesn’t go away and the next time meal time comes we start all over again.

This is the same with staff, but often if the management looked at the issues behind the ‘cant’ do attitude could make a huge difference to staff motivation.

We all know that passion comes from somewhere else . When I talk about passion I mean wanting to achieve something and nothing is going to stop you from doing it entirely on your own and gives personal satisfaction.

Next Article – Do You Know What Your Staff Think About The Organisation 

Need Help? – Contact- kathryn@legworkms.com