With the changes in technology the opportunities opening up to new business in some cases are endless.

If you are a small business or cottage industry many individuals can now operate from their home or small office.

However if you are a business that requires premises and staff then their are many areas to consider

  • What kind of operation will you be running from your premises?
  • Will it be a retail outlet?
  • Sales only to wholesalers or tradespeople?
  • Manufacture, Office Work, Bulk Storage. Distribution?
  • Will it involve the preparation of food or the use of dangerous substances?
  • Where will your main office be and what will you do there?
  • Will it be purely an administration centre or will it be the main offices?
  • Will you require more than one site in the UK or on a global basis?

Others areas to consider


  • Will your proposed site need to be near your customers?
  • What will be the availability of labour in your chosen location ?
  • Will the location be suitable for management and skilled labour?
  • Will your proposed site be near major roads for ease of access?


  • Can you obtain planning permission for the intended use?
  • How much space do you require – will it be  office and warehouse or just one or the other?
  • How much will have to be on ground level ?
  • What services do you require ?
  • Do you have access for delivery vehicles etc ?
  • What parking space will be required?
  • Will you need to invest in modification and will alterations require approval by the local planning or landlord?
  • Will the premises comply with any legislation for relevant use?


  • Will the premises be rented, leased or purchased?
  • How easy will it be to raise the finance?
  • What will the cost of surveys entail?
  • How much will the maintenance and insurance premiums be?
  • What frequency will the rent and rates be reviewed and have you allowed for this in cashflows? – at present times these will be low but this will not always be the case

This is just a quick overview and as you can see there are many areas to consider.

Next Article – Business Planning –Sales Forecasting Overview

Need Help? – Contact- kathryn@legworkms.com