The way you react to your customer’s response is in fact very important. How many times do you ring up a firm and someone answers the phone in a negative or poor manner. Also if it takes a long time for the phone to be answered will start the process off on the wrong footing!!

Training all your staff to deal with customers, not just the customer facing ones to deal with actual and prospective customers is so essential.

Train them to ask questions, take an interest and seek to help and meet the prospects needs and where possible get them to promote your products and services. As we all know ‘People tend to buy from People’ and there is a lot of truth in that. Even if you have a prospect who may not wish to buy at this moment in time, but when they do your business could be top of their list.

It is also important at this stage to ensure there is a procedure in place to ensure that the customer has the desire for your products or services and has the authority to purchase. As an example if you are selling large items such as machinery it may mean that there are various people within an organisation that you have to convince so you may need to consider the time and cost it will entail to secure a sale.

Your plan should include the following

  • Anticipated Response
  • Materials Required
  • Your People Involved
  • Training Required
  • Costs

This should also include the procedure for dealing with enquiries and for training staff to do this well. For example if you are expecting a written response will you send back literature, if so what kind, or will you telephone or ask a reprentative to call?

Make sure if you have to receive a telephone response ensure that the operator or receptionist knows who to channel the call quickly and efficiently to ensure smooth transition.

If you expect personal callers you will need literature and possibly samples or materials to exhibit as well as well trained sales assistants or consultants on hand.

Next Article – Business Planning – Securing A Sale 

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